General characteristics:

The types of heating provided are the following:

  • direct steam from generator
  • indirect steam from generator
  • mixes air / steam from the generator
  • forced air recirculation, heated up by electric, gas or indirect steam.

Useful dimensions obtainable are the following:

  • Diameter from 1.000 to 4.000 and over
  • Length from 1.500 up to 40.000 length and over

The operating cycles may provide for systems of cooling obtained with well water and or by means of cooling systems such as cooling towers open circuit or cooling chillers.
The autoclaves are manufactured according to the most efficient technologies to ensure durabil¬ity and maximize energy savings.
Details and dedicated project estimates are pro¬vided in order to ensure maximum durability pro¬viding thickness of the autoclave coat adjusted to take account of corrosion when is expected the use of direct steam. Special attention is re¬served to the maximum safety of functioning and easy use.

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